Beautiful Skin Beautifully Simple

Gone are the days where we have to accept surgery as the only option to combat the looseness and sagginess of aging skin. With advancements in technology, that is no longer the case, we offer a range of highly effective Radio Frequency procedures that are non-invasive and non hormonal, and work with your body to stimulate and regenerate cells within the inner levels of your skin, helping revitalize the body, from the inside out.

Radio Frequency by the revolutionary Cynosure TEMPSURE™ machine minimizes facial fine lines and wrinkles, as well as tightens skin by heating deep into the skin layers and helping to regenerate collagen. It’s safe for all skin types and levels of sun exposure, fitting perfectly into any beauty maintenance routine, any time of year. The best part is, there’s no surgery, no needles, and no downtime, so you can immediately get back to what you were doing, and look great doing it.

Our advanced Radio frequency therapy not only help revitalize the visible parts of your body, but is also a highly effective, gentle, non-evasive, non-hormonal tool to help in firming and revitalize your intimate areas.

calgary skin tightening treatment
skin tightening procedure calgary<br />


 No surgery

 No downtime

 All skin types

 Fast treatment time

Revitalize your skin, inside and out

Common treatments include

Facial Skin Tightening

Cellulite Removal 

Body Contouring

Real People, Real Results

Frequently Asked Questions 

Does the treatment hurt?

No. The TempSure Firm handpiece delivers heat in a consistent and gradual manner. Clients report a spa-like deep warming sensation during their treatments

Am I a candidate for TempSure Firm?

There are several factors that determine whether or not you are a good candidate for treatment. Your clinician will discuss all inclusion and exclusion criteria at your consultation to make sure you are the perfect candidate for treatment.

How many treatments are needed?

Everyone is different. Most clients require anywhere from 5 to 8 treatments depending on your skin condition and what area is being treated.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatments take five minutes for a full abdomen and ten minutes for both thighs. Typically, five minutes per selected area.

When can I return to normal activities?

You may return to normal daily activities immediately after treatment. A sunscreen of SPF 30 should always be applied to the treated areas that may be exposed to the sun.

When will I see results?

Results may be seen a few weeks to a month after your last treatment. Remember that the improvement of the appearance of your cellulite is only temporary.
